sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Dynamics of Political Propaganda

Many people make the wrong assumption that most political propaganda made, aim to convince or convert people, from my observations I realize that it not works this way.

Mainly, political propaganda seeks to gather people who already have inclinations to certain cause, people who have natural tendencies to adopt republican policies will not adhere to the democrat ones just by consuming it's propaganda, in fact, when pushed too hard, these kind of propaganda will only increase the rejection of this certain person against the democrat policies.

So how can political propaganda works in my view? As I said, the mission of propaganda is just to awake sentiments and inclinations that are already there, and emulate it to the extremes, at the point of this individual, target of propaganda action, begin himself to act towards the advancement of the cause awakened in his spirit, the tendencies were already in him.

People do altruistic things, adhere causes more than anything, out of empathy, that's the same mechanism, for instance, that makes a low brow piece of art like a movie or an album be an economic success just because the artist in question is charismatic, someone the masses can identify with, whom have 'good' qualities.

So this happens even more in the political field where the persona of certain politician matters more than what are his policies, the emotional appeal to the masses, the good qualities the masses doesn't find in itself projected on him.

Thus, a successful propaganda action shouldn't be aimed to reach the major number of people possible, rather, to reach the desired kind of people, the better elements of society, so these elements could embrace the cause, weighing in all their empathy to this certain cause, making this cause more attractive to the masses. The masses will stick to where the geniuses, the handsome, the desirables are.

Any movement who fails to get itself among the elite, be it intellectual or material, is damned to public oblivion and complete ineffectiveness.

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